Conversion rate optimization
tactics to optimize landing pages and improve conversion rates
In simple words, Conversion Rate Optimization is the process of optimizing your website design, landing pages or your app for as many conversions as possible. It involves generating ideas for your website in order to gain your desired action aka purchasing your product. CRO requires smart work instead of hard work. Optimizing your resources to get the maximum conversion rate is an ordeal but Outright Creators are here to walk you through the process. So don’t stress, sit back and just take notes
Now that we’ve defined CRO for you, let’s see why it’s more important and tricky than it seems. Your victory does not lie in driving traffic toward your website. In fact that’s when the real war starts. It’s only when they convert to leads or complete your desired route of action that you win the war. Your brand has clientele and sustainable growth. You have a new set of targeted leads.

In order for you to improve your conversion rate, you should be aware of the figure your brand retains. Here’s how you can calculate your conversion rate. Your conversion rate equals your total number of conversions by total visitors multiplied by 100. You can calculate your conversion rates for every opportunity or offer that you give out on your website. CRO tools are tricky - just like any other marketing tool. Marketing agencies who hope to be ostentatiously positive will tell you that certain CRO tools guarantee a higher conversion rate but that won’t be the case all the time. However, there are a couple of strategies that you can try for your website.
CROs strategies are implemented on all possible areas in your website that have the highest potential for conversions. For example, your homepage. They say the first impression is the best impression so try to make your homepage as accessible, transparent and informative as possible. Include instructive CTAs, chatbots, sign up, subscribe options that show proactivity. Your blogs can also be a high storage area for CRO strategies. Post informative content and make it as personal and real as possible. Your visitors need to see your smart work, ambitions and strengths. Posting testimonials is a CRO strategy you can use here. Next comes the pricing page. This is usually the most crucial step of all because this is where it becomes statistically obvious about your conversion rate. Make the pricing as accessible as possible. You can also offer different plans / investment offers to generate more leads. The last is the landing page. Considering that the landing page is where your CTAs unfold, make your CTAs obvious. Include reviews and testimonials. Include anything that is user friendly.